Best Works

This page is a collection of professional memos, documents, and reviews that showcase my technical writing abilities.

  1. Technical Definitions

The aim of this document is to demonstrate the importance and types of technical definitions. Three types of definitions are included; sentence, parenthetical, and expanded. The definitions for endodontic therapy are written for a dental patient, a non-technical audience.

2. Peer Review of a Technical Definition Document

Reviewing a peer’s work offers positive and constructive feedback to improve their document. Providing a detailed and specific review ensures that the peer understands the feedback from the readers point of view.

3. Formal Report Proposal

The aim of the document is to demonstrate the importance of the research and the goal after the research is completed. Using this proposal in the initial research process is helpful to direct time and resources to appropriate research topics for the final report.

4. Progress Report Memo

A memo detailing a report plan and progress. The memo includes the necessary details for the reader along with links to the surveys, a report outline, and a timeline to complete the report. Following the timeline and outline helps ensure the writing process is completed in an organized and timely manner.

5. Summary Memo of Report Proposal

This document provides the reader with a summary of the research proposal in a memo format. The document is concise but includes the necessary details and subsections for the reader without providing too much information.

6. LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

The aim of this document is to provide the 10 best practices for LinkedIn using a memo format. The memo includes a works cited page and excludes the use of imperative verbs to ensure a positive tone for the reader.

7. Advice Memo to a Student

The memo provides advice for a student regarding the best practices for writing emails. The memo continues to avoid imperative verbs and maintains a positive tone for the reader while delivering the important information.

8. Complaint and Response Letter

The following letters are professional examples of a complaint letter and a response letter containing bad news. The letters maintain a professional tone and YOU attitude despite the negative topics.

9. Peer Review of a Formal Report

An example of another peer review for a classmate. Reviewing the formal report of a peer to provide positive and constructive feedback to improve their document while maintaining a YOU attitude. The review provides details and specifics to assist my peer with their formal report.