Advice Memo to Student

To: Evan Crisp

From: Kristy Vyfschaft, ENGL 301 Student

Date: July 14, 2022

Subject: Best Practices for Writing E-Mails


Thank-you for reaching out about writing e-mails. Here are some useful notes for the next e-mail that you write.

  • Using a detailed subject line will allow the reader a quick reference about the e-mail content and importance.
  • Beginning with a formal salutation will start the email with a professional tone.
  • Writing the e-mail in a word processing software first to eliminate grammatical and formatting errors.
  • Writing in a positive tone will incline the reader to be more receptive to the request being made.
  • Avoiding acronyms in the e-mail. Not all readers are aware of the meaning, leading to communication errors.
  • Including a closing that is in a formal tone.
  • Signing the e-mail with a digital signature or writing a signature using a full name and title so the reader knows who they are corresponding with.
  • Writing postscripts are only necessary if the information is crucial to the reader.
  • Writing with the reader in mind to increase chances of the reader following through with the requested actions.
  • Eliminating pronouns to improve tone and conciseness. Using some pronouns is acceptable but reducing the amount will change the email to what the reader can do, not what has been done.

Using these tips will greatly improve your chances of success in the future when composing e-mails. If you have any questions, please contact me.