Complaint and Response Letter

123 Star St.

Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0

July 18, 2022

Schomberg Dental

356 Main St.

Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0

Attention: Sonia Ritchie

Dear Ms. Ritchie:

Your business has a good reputation as a trustworthy dental office serving this community. For many years my family has happily used your services but recently a situation left us disappointed.

On July 4 my son came to the office to have a cavity filled that was found at his cleaning appointment. The treatment was completed without issue, but a few days later, July 7, the filling broke. We promptly contacted the office to schedule an appointment.

On July 11 we returned, and the filling was repaired. Afterwards, we were charged again for the work, claiming that it was not the same filling that was recently done.

My son insists that it is the same tooth he had just filled. Since the filling was only in place a few days with no other work done in his mouth, we are sure that the newly filled tooth was the problem and should not have been charged a second time.

Responsibility for the error rests with your office. What is most bothersome is the bill of $400 for work that was under warranty. We insist that bill be reimbursed. Until this recent event your care has always been excellent. We hope it will be again.

We would appreciate having this matter resolved within two weeks.



Stephanie Smith


Schomberg Dental

356 Main St.

Schomberg ON, L0G 1T0

July 22, 2022

Stephanie Smith

123 Star St.

Schomberg ON, L0G 1T0

Dear Mrs. Smith:

We would like to thank-you for your long-term dedication as patients at the office and apologize for the recent situation with your son.

The dental work completed on your son was done in a timely fashion and with care. Fillings are based on the tooth and the surfaces to be filled on the specific tooth. When new surfaces are involved in a cavity or chip that were not previously treated, they are not under warranty.

To ensure that families are aware of the treatment options and billings we review treatment plans, insurances, and payments thoroughly before starting any work. The treatment to repair the broken area for your son was reviewed and these were not previously treated areas, so were not under warranty.

Since the fillings for your son are now complete and the bill is paid, we will extend a credit to his account for $100. This amount will partially pay for his next dental cleaning in six months. Alternatively, if you prefer, we can re-evaluate his fillings at no charge to determine an appropriate amount to credit the account.

Yours truly,


Sonia Ritchie

Office Manager, Schomberg Dental