Reflections: Web Folio

In unit four the final assignment was to make a web folio that included a resume, an application package, and best works from the course. This project provided an opportunity to reflect on past work and progress through the term. My reflection on creating my web folio is below.

Editing Best Works

Reviewing the documents for the best works pageĀ  allowed me to see my progress through the term. Editing previous documents was tedious because it entailed reviewing the document and the guidelines to ensure the best document was published. If the work was not edited directly following the feedback, it was difficult to view the assignment with the same point of view. Thankfully, many of the documents were edited following feedback so the process was manageable. While reviewing the work less editing was required for each assignment, demonstrating the skills I have developed in professional writing during the term.


Building the web folio was challenging. Technological skills are not my strongest suit and made the process more time consuming. Posting pages that include hyperlinks and images that were appropriate took a great deal of time. Formatting the web folio to be user friendly, yet professional was difficult. After formatting the pages and publishing it was easier to view the site as a prospective reader, allowing minor edits to improve the sites readability. The skills gained during this assignment will be useful for any future career path or job application.

Final Remarks

The finished web folio provides readers with a variety of professional documents and demonstrates technological skills. I am happy with the results of the web folio and believe it is a good representation of my technical writing. Overcoming difficulties during the process improved my confidence in writing and creativity for future projects.

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