Lona Alkhalaf

lonaEmail:  L.Alkhalaf@warwick.ac.uk

Postdoctoral Fellow, UBC, 2014-2016

M.Chem. (Honours) Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology, University of Liverpool
Ph.D. Chemical Biology, University of Warwick

Current Position:

Assistant Professor, University of Warwick



Alkhalaf, L.M., Du, Y.-L. & Ryan, K.S. Synthetic biology approaches to new bisindoles. Methods Enzymol. 575, 21-37 (2016).

Du, Y.-L., Singh, R., Alkhalaf, L.M., Kuatsjah, E., He, H.-Y., Eltis, L.D. & Ryan, K.S. A pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzyme that oxidizes an unactivated carbon-carbon bond. Nat. Chem. Biol. 12, 194-199 (2016).

Alkhalaf LM, Ryan KS (2015) “Biosynthetic manipulation of tryptophan in bacteria: pathways and mechanisms” Chem. Biol. 22(3): 317-328.

Du Y-L, Alkhalaf LM, Ryan KS (2015) “In vitro reconstitution of indolmycin biosynthesis reveals the molecular basis for oxazolinone assembly” PNAS, 112(9): 2717-2722.