Blue-fin Tuna quota: Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Whenever industries want to expand, they usually run into the issue of over-exhausting resources or, in the case of the fishing industry, over-fish. For the blue-fin tuna, people have urged the federal government, of Canada, to not ask for a raise in the quota for that fish.

It appears that this fish may be a potential endangered species, but the government has been quiet about whether they choose to raise the quota or not.

Over the past centuries, humanity has been responsible for the disappearance of many species on earth. If we continue to endanger the world through our selfish needs and gains, what will be left of the world for us to enjoy with our wealth? All we are doing is creating wealth for the present, and potentially the future, in the process of damaging or even killing off the futures of other living organisms, in this world. Let us move forward with through sustainability.

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