Monthly Archives: November 2016

Remembrance Day

For Remembrance Day students collected sticks, painted them, and an SA assembled them into a wreath. The kids enjoyed painting the sticks and the finished product, but the concept of Remembrance Day was difficult for many of them to grasp. On the other end of this, there was one girl who was crying as someone in her family had been in a previous war. A previous writing book activity that asked the kids to draw something they were thankful for had mixed results. Many could come up with something they were thankful for but naturally these were personalized selections including parents, siblings and material belongings/activities (for example birthdays or presents).

A few memorable examples:

“I’m thankful for canes.”
“I’m thankful for volcanoes.”
“I like firework parties.”

These activities make explicit the different stages each child is in: some children could produce something they were thankful for while others drew something they liked. The individual activity each student did was poppies on a black background. 20161110_104042-2They could place one to three poppies on their black backgrounds (one student did four) with the poppies having a big red circle with a small red circle and a black center. The green stems were all the same material but the red circles were either tissue paper or crêpe paper and the black centers were buttons or velcro stickers.  This activity showed how much prep can be involved in some art activities: the red circles were cut out in advance, the stems were cut in advance, and the black centers were purchased in advance.
The background papers also required prep as they were taped to the tables with painters tape (in order to get the white boarders) and then textured (by the students) with plastic bags which another teacher brought in. 20161110_104059-2The results are appealing to the eye, and nicely decorated part of the gymnasium for the Remembrance Day assembly, but made evident the different types of art in the kindergarten classroom. This activity had an obvious outcome in mind and was presented to the children as such. I am curious what would have been the outcome if the children were given a little more free range on their poppy art. Despite the structure of the activity, the children still enjoyed completing this art project.

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Filed under short practicum

Math Lesson

During my short practicum I taught a math lesson. For math so far the kids have learned about patterns and they were beginning a number booklet (we had only done up to number 2 so far). I decided to mix art and math together to make it a little more appealing to the students. I also tried to connect it to their nature school as well by including a caterpillar.

My lesson began with reading the book One Grey Mouse by Katherine Burton, I read the each page first and then had the kids read the sentence again with me. The activity that followed ed1involved students using finger paint to make a designated amount of dots. There was a range of results the two below being one developing and one mastering.

I was happy with the overall result of the math lesson and the kids seemed to enjoy the figure painting. Everyone did look at the number before placing their finger prints. A few became concerned when they realized that they had put too many finger prints which tells me they are going back and checking their work.
After looking at their finished work I realized I should have made it more explicit that the finger prints should be above the line not on the line. To make this easier for students in the future I think it would be helpful to have theed number and caterpillar face underlined as well as the area where I expected their finger prints to go. It also may have been helpful if I hung the example I modeled so that students could glance at it as a reference (I left it laying flat to dry). Being that this lesson was the one that my School Adviser was observing, he did not help manage the students, due to this I quickly learned how difficult it is to monitor 22 kindergartners. This also made me see how it may benefit a teacher to be seated or standing in one area that allows them to see the whole classroom. Circulating throughout the room meant my back was turned to students several times which meant that I didn’t always see students misbehaving.

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Filed under short practicum

Friendship Lesson

I was excited to do this lesson because it was one that was prepared as an assignment for a class. I was curious to find out what I had and/or had not accounted for during the actual lesson over the paper version. It was a read-aloud lesson which began with the book The Way of the Ninja and is a story about friendship. The book depicts the Ninja playing alone, due to careless actions, and with friends once he realized his mistake.

After reading the book we reviewed the activities that the Ninja did alone and with his friends Cowboy and Bear. Next, we brainstormed some activities that they like to do while alone or with friends. The pre-made worksheet had spaces for the children to draw an activity they like to do alone on one side and an activity they like to do with friends on the other. Due to children copying my modeled example before I did not want to draw an example for this activity.

I like playing dress up by myself and trains with friends.

Additionally, their curriculum is very play-based thus, the idea of coming up with activities they like to play alone or with friends shouldn’t have been too difficult for them.

Their results proved my assumption was correct as all but one student was able to depict an example of each activity. Even the one student who did not complete the task put a lot of detail into the picture he drew of himself playing alone.

I like playing guns by myself and playing tag with friends.

Being that this lesson was being observed by my Faculty Adviser it was under a time constraint. At the end of the lesson I had each child share one of the pictures they drew with the class. I can’t help but wonder if without this time restraint the one child who only did one side of the worksheet could have finished both sides. That being said, I have observed this particular student often playing alone over with others, thus it may be the case that he simply prefers solitary play.

I enjoyed having the students share what they drew with everyone at the end of the lesson. They were obviously excited to share with their classmates what they had drawn. For the students who are English Language Learners, with a lower grasp of the language, I made sure to know what their pictures depicted prior to sharing. This proved helpful when one student was stumbling over communicating what she had drawn. I held the students worksheets and pointed to one of the drawings and asked what they liked to play alone or with friends depending on which picture I was pointing to.

I like coloring by myself and playing princesses with friends.

It wasn’t until the near end that one boy asked why he had to share the picture he drew of playing by himself, he preferred to share the activity he did with friends. This made me aware of the perceived power teachers have over students. The same student also asked me why we were sharing our work, to which I responded that it was so everyone could get new ideas of activities to do alone or with friends. I enjoyed his questioning of the activity since it showed that he wanted to know the purpose of the sharing over doing because the teacher said so. Overall, the lesson was a success and the students seemed to enjoy the activity and their ability to easily relate to it.



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Filed under short practicum

My First Lesson!

           At this point I had helped facilitate many lessons and read many stories but had not planned and executed a complete lesson on my own. I was a mixture of nervous and excited to be teaching my first lesson to the class. The lesson was a writing lesson, which at this point is a drawing and a corresponding sentence created by the student but written by the teacher.

I began by reading the book Not a Box and having the children tell me what the rabbit in the story was pretending the box was. After reading the book I placed a small piece of painters tape on the whiteboard and informed the children that they will be changing the piece into something else like the rabbit did.

“I draw a rocketship going to Mars.”

We brainstormed several different ides, about ten, that I wrote down on the board. Next, I shared with the students that my idea was to turn the piece of tape into a fish. To connect this activity to other parts of their learning (this week they were learning the concept of a setting in stories) I asked what else I would find surrounding the fish. Answers included more fish, coral, a whale, a shark, a dolphin, and a penguin. Yes, the children took the time to critique my drawings: for example, ‘that’s not how you draw a dolphin’ to which I replied that maybe they are better at drawing than I am.

“I try to draw a fish and a shark and a whale.”

After we had completed my example I told the kids that each of them had a piece of tape in their writing book to change into something different. It was while sending them away that I learned I should have had an example of which booklet was their writing booklet or simply said it was the blue one because a few students were grabbing the wrong booklet. Naturally, there were a few students who drew the fish example I modeled however, there were several different pictures as well. The examples shown are show one that was related to the modeled example with three others having different concepts.

“This is two of the good guys trying to steal from the bad guys.”

One of the interesting features I found while doing this lesson is that of all the ideas we brainstormed there were only a few of these that some children ended up drawing. A few students drew a castle, which previously brainstormed, but that was about it. There was only one student who did not change the piece of tape into anything. Instead he drew a picture beside the piece of tape. I know it the past that when they have used their writing books they are prompted but sometimes forget the prompt by the time they are drawing.

“This is the good guy airplane and they are fighting with the gun.”

Thus, I’m thinking once he opened his writing book he decided he wanted to draw something else and avoided the piece of tape completely. Once the lesson was finished I felt exhilarated. Everyone seemed interested in the book and the idea that came out of it. Overall, it felt great to finally be in front of the class and teaching but I was grateful to have my School Adviser there to help write sentences and manage students.



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November 4, 2016 · 4:17 pm