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Community Field Experience

I spent 3 weeks at the Vancouver Aquarium teaching in the wetlabs. It was an amazing experience and I got the change to work with so many amazing people. The place is built on the wonderful volunteers who come from all walks of life. Handling animals was truly as exciting as it was to learn from so many different people.

The wetlabs gave me the opportunity to see learning and to facilitate learning for students outside of the classroom setting. The students were clearly excited to be there and handle new animals. It was clear that handling these animals sparked many more questions from the students too. They were obviously invested in their learning and wanted to know more.

I also appreciated the conservation message that the Aquarium took the time to express after each lesson. Some ecosystems had garbage (a beer bottle, teapot, and some pipes) in them specifically to spark conversations about why those items were there. Additionally, one of the coordinators spoke about clean ups they had done in the past where the strangest things they found in the ocean were a wedding dress and a grand piano.

A California Sea Cucumber and the Spiny Lumpsucker fish.

Overall, the Vancouver Aquarium does amazing things for marine life and I am extremely grateful that I was lucky enough to spend a portion of my education degree there.

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Happy to be finished practicum, but sad to be leaving.

Noah and I did originally have cake, we are just quick eaters.

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Into the Story: A Cross-Curricular Lesson

For this lesson I hoped to use a story in a different way than the students had previously experienced. As part of a class at UBC we had done several exercises with the ‘into the story’ theme and found them very enjoyable and powerful, thus I decided to give it a try in a kindergarten classroom.

To begin, I had them stand up and pretend to be little mice but when I opened the book to move the story forward most of them sat down. At this point it became clear that they were used to sitting while someone was reading a book, due to this I had the students sit throughout the rest of the lesson. Having them participate in some actions was fun; the actions were a mixture of ones I provided and ones they created. For example, I showed them how to hold their strawberry in one hand and cut it in half with the other but they showed me how they would guard their strawberry: some turned over and pretended it was under them, some put it in their pocket, some placed it behind themselves. Some parts became a verbal exercise over the actions as well – when asked how they would disguise their strawberry it was easier to share what they would do (these were answers like hide it under a blanket and use a ‘shinkerator’ on it, put it in a spiderman costume, and put in it a tomato costume to trick the bear). Integrating myself into the book resulted in the students giving me interesting looks. Every time the book mentioned the bear sniffing for strawberries I took on this role, some found it amusing while others looked a little confused as to if they were supposed to copy this action or just view it.

At the end I had them review some of the actions we did throughout the story to emphasize that it was different from how they are usually read stories. I used the word ‘drama’ a couple times but the new term seemed to be unnecessary to introduce to them considering it was their first time participating in a story like this. For next time I think it would be better to begin to read the book, like their routine, and ask them to participate in actions as we move through the book. Overall, it seemed enjoyable, and I would do it again.


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Family Math and Science Day at UBC

Today I volunteered with the Family Math and Science Day held at UBC. It was free and the said they had about 800 people register online but the last count I took was around 350 people. I was assigned to the registers table, we had people sign in, write down how many people were in their groups, sign a photo release form is they wanted, and directed them to the rooms.

I noticed there were a lot of younger kids, around age 4 to 6, which was not what I expected. Some of the kids from my practicum were there, it was cute to see them outside of the classroom. After visiting the stations (there was math, physics, chemistry, biology and physics and music) I was amazed at all the different games and activities which the children loved. Some were more popular than others including the station that made a type of goo to take home, the chemistry one which blew the lid off a container and the liquid nitrogen presentation.

It was nice to see parents interacting with their children while simultaneously learning new things themselves. It was also interesting to see how the various volunteers interacted with the kids.

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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” -Nelson Mandela

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One Month Down!

September was such a whirlwind. On the first day I met about 30 strangers and we all admitted we were nervous for the year ahead of us. Now I can say those people are my friends and that we are all indeed a little crazy for choosing KIPP as our cohort.

All of our instructors are extremely welcoming and helpful. Each class we have discussions and group activities. This is much different than during my undergraduate degree as almost everything was based on individual achievements. That being said, I am loving the collaborations because everyone brings in their point of view making the resulting discussion more rounded and complete.

I have learned so much thanks to the various tech workshops, library workshops, and seminar lectures. Without these workshops I would not be writing this blog or be able to complete a digital assignment. Even if I haven’t used the resources presented I now know where I can find help or access to these resources. I am truly grateful for these experiences.

Yesterday we were given our practicum placements. I am thrilled to announce I will be teaching in a Kindergarten class. The interesting thing about this placement is that the classes are built on the idea of community learning. This means I won’t be limited to just the kids in my class and that I will have the opportunity to interact not only with many different teachers and children but also with other teacher candidates in my cohort.

September was a blur but I can happily report that I survived the storm and I am looking forward to the future.

Stay tuned for my first day at practicum on Thurs., Oct. 6th and my volunteer experience with the Math and Science Day hosted by UBC on Sat., Oct. 15th!

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