Tag Archives: practicum

Math Lesson

During my short practicum I taught a math lesson. For math so far the kids have learned about patterns and they were beginning a number booklet (we had only done up to number 2 so far). I decided to mix art and math together to make it a little more appealing to the students. I also tried to connect it to their nature school as well by including a caterpillar.

My lesson began with reading the book One Grey Mouse by Katherine Burton, I read the each page first and then had the kids read the sentence again with me. The activity that followed ed1involved students using finger paint to make a designated amount of dots. There was a range of results the two below being one developing and one mastering.

I was happy with the overall result of the math lesson and the kids seemed to enjoy the figure painting. Everyone did look at the number before placing their finger prints. A few became concerned when they realized that they had put too many finger prints which tells me they are going back and checking their work.
After looking at their finished work I realized I should have made it more explicit that the finger prints should be above the line not on the line. To make this easier for students in the future I think it would be helpful to have theed number and caterpillar face underlined as well as the area where I expected their finger prints to go. It also may have been helpful if I hung the example I modeled so that students could glance at it as a reference (I left it laying flat to dry). Being that this lesson was the one that my School Adviser was observing, he did not help manage the students, due to this I quickly learned how difficult it is to monitor 22 kindergartners. This also made me see how it may benefit a teacher to be seated or standing in one area that allows them to see the whole classroom. Circulating throughout the room meant my back was turned to students several times which meant that I didn’t always see students misbehaving.

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