Saputo’s Display of Social Responsibility

In late November Saputo the Montreal cheese manufacturer discovered that some of their products had become contaminated with listeria bacteria.  Following an ethical and socially responsible approach Saputo immediately recall all products that were produced on the contaminated line.  While this recall will cost Saputo over an estimated $200,000 they have decided to go ahead with it and voluntarily recall all products despite no cases of illness being reported nationally.  More recently Saputo has expanded their recall of products to include one of their product lines that is sold in two kilogram packs despite the fact none of the additional recalls have tested positive for listeria.  Saputo has stated that until they find the cause they want to stay on the safe side and protect the public
While recalls are usually viewed negatively and are detrimental to a food companies reputation, in this case Saputo’s expertise at handling the situation and their dedication to public interest will lead to little tarnishing of their image. While Saputo’s display of corporate social responsibility is costly now   it has saved their reputation and has protected them from harmful lawsuits had the contamination resulted in sickness or death.

for more information about the recall check out this article

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