WIND and Market Research

For years Canadian telecommunications have been dominated by the big three companies, Bell, Rogers and Telus.  In 2008 WIND mobile secured the rights to use wireless spectrum in Canada and they have begun creating the infrastructure for a cell phone network.  WIND was faced with significant barriers when entering the cell phone market as they are unable to compete with the cell phone coverage offered by the bigger companies and WIND offers a limited selection in handheld phones.  Despites these obstacles and a series of problems with their service since opening, WIND mobile has been able to secure 100,000 customers in their first seven months.  Wind mobile’s success can largely be attributed to their strong philosophy based on market research.  As their CEO Ken Cambell has said “We’ve heard loud and clear that people want a mobile experience that is free of contracts, system access fess, high prices, poor service, limited technology and complicated billing, [and] We have built our fully customizable offering to deliver on just that.”.  By doing their market research WIND has been able to determine what the Canadian consumer wants in a cell phone and are successfully penetrating into a well established and competitive market.

More information can be found at

If your interested in  signing up with WIND here’s a link to their website

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