Greatest Lesson

One of the greatest lesson I’ve every learned wasn’t taught to me in a classroom or read out of a book.  I learned through the most painful hit of my life on the football field.  It was my junior year of high school and the football team was scrimmaging at the end of practice and the coach called for me to run the ball.  I broke through  the defense and had a clear run for the end zone before I slowed down to a walk thinking the play was over.  Seconds later my friend on defense tackled me from behind and knocked the wind out of me.  I started to tell him that it was just a practice and he should take it easy but before I could finish he turned to me and said “practice like you play” then ran off down the field.

This has always been a lesson I have carried with me to this day.  In everything I do I try to do it to the best of my ability. As Aristotle once said “we are what we repeatedly do”.

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