Apple – The Masters in Exploiting Opportunities

After learning this week about SWOT’s and earning a greater understanding of potential business growth, an article on Apple’s new September 2014 products caught my eye. Steven Milunovice, a technology analyst believes that Apple’s new Apple Watch and Apple Pay “are the products to watch in the long run.” In reference to company development that we touched on while creating our SWOT’s, I believe that Apple is unbelievably good at using the strengths that they have to exploit their opportunities and grow as a company. Although the Apple Watch is not the biggest news of the September Apple products, they have planned ahead for the future and created technology that no other competitor has touched on yet. Apple is already the leader in the industry, but have used the strengths that they have such as a strong brand name, marketing skills, good reputation, and media coverage to further engage themselves into new opportunities, such as the Apple Watch. Apple has come out with the Iphone 6 to please today’s consumers, but they have also come out with the Apple Watch that they believe will please the consumers of the future and place them at an advantage to their competitors. Steven Milunovice is “betting the watch alone will bring in one third of the company’s revenue and gross profit in fiscal 2015.” This is an optimal example of using your strengths to take advantage of an opportunity or new market . Apple, you’ve done it again.

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Apple Watch. Digital image. Apple (Canada). N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2014.


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