Cool Source of Information: Commodity Trends

This week, after entering the market on corn futures, I decided to try a different commodity, since this is a good time to start understanding many sides of the market with simple trades. As a newcomer to market trading of any kind, and as someone much more comfortable with qualitative analysis than quantitative, I have been reading reliable sources like Bloomberg and Reuters.

On the Wall Street Journal, I found market data for each commodity. Below is the chart showing historical trends in the wheat markets.


On this Wall Street Journal Market Data Center website, you are able to see detailed data and trend graphs for (presumably) all the futures on the market for each commodity.  With such a great scale of historical information, I was able to notice that wheat futures have been fluctuating in the last two months around a consistent level, so I went long and short in nearby futures to observe the difference between the different contracts of the same commodity.



20. September 2012 by Annie
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