Category Archives for The Road Ahead

Surprise in corn + MarketWatch easy-to-read charts

Last week’s expected corn pattern didn’t go so well, but it did end the week on an unusual high, judging from the week’s prices. So, even with all the news about corn shortages, I will try to capture some profits … Continue reading

19. November 2012 by Annie
Categories: Cool Source of Information, The Road Ahead | Leave a comment

The week ahead: Week 9

I’ve been watching a consistent holding of wheat futures for the past few weeks, and very nearly freaked out when the prices skyrocketed after the US election this past week. This made me question my usual Wednesday/Thursday routine, so I … Continue reading

11. November 2012 by Annie
Categories: The Road Ahead | 1 comment

A Macro View

I have spent the last few days in Baltimore, Maryland, and as such have been re-immersed in US politics, less than two weeks before the presidential elections. And while the USDA Crop Progress Report comes out on Monday, none of … Continue reading

28. October 2012 by Annie
Categories: The Road Ahead | Leave a comment

The Road Ahead – Week 5

The news from the USDA will likely start a slow reaction in the markets; wheat is slow moving but pretty consistent, in my limited experience, so I will try to observe it a bit better and maybe go long in … Continue reading

14. October 2012 by Annie
Categories: The Road Ahead | 1 comment

The Week Ahead: Oct 8-12

The drought’s affect on corn prices is still dominating most of the information sources I have found. I am still struggling to understand which factors trigger the Stockout Property of the LOP, since decreasing stocks due to the drought should … Continue reading

09. October 2012 by Annie
Categories: The Road Ahead | Leave a comment

Return to Corn

On September 27, Bloomberg reported on what I feel (intuitively, and probably naively) was an inevitable plummet in the corn markets, due to the lower stocks and fragile demand patterns. “Corn for December delivery fell 0.8 percent to $7.19 a … Continue reading

30. September 2012 by Annie
Categories: The Road Ahead | Leave a comment

Wheat Weather

After Andrew Borden’s talk on Wednesday, I am intrigued by using weather to predict market movement. Therefore, I intend to spend the next week or so betting on global weather patterns. My split wheat position has treated me well, since … Continue reading

20. September 2012 by Annie
Categories: The Road Ahead | Leave a comment

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