Acer platanoides

Acer platanoides


Scientific name: Acer platanoides

Common name: Norway maple

Family name: Sapindaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:  ‘Superform’

USDA Hardiness Zone:  3-7

Mature height and spread:  Height: 40.00 to 50.00 feet;Spread: 30.00 to 50.00 feet

Form: medium-sized deciduous shade tree

Water use: Medium

Soil requirements: average, medium moisture, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade

Leaf arrangement: Leaves (to 7” across) have five sharply pointed lobes and resemble those of sugar maple. Leaf stems exude a milky sap when cut.

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): Small yellow flowers in erect clusters (corymbs) appear in spring before the foliage. Flowers give way to paired seeds with horizontally spreading wings (samaras to 2” long).

Limitations: Tolerant of a wide range of soils. Tolerant of heat and drought.

Fall colour:  unremarkable yellow

Suitable uses:  shade/street tree.

Quick ID description:  palmate lobed, milky sap, samara






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