Buxus sempervirens

Buxus sempervirens


Scientific name: Buxus sempervirens

Common name: boxwood

Family name: Buxaceae

Useful cultivars and selections:  ‘Pullman’ ‘Vardar Valley’ ‘Paramus’

USDA Hardiness Zone:  5-8

Mature height and spread:  Height: 4.00 to 7.00 feet; Spread: 2.00 to 4.00 feet

Form: rounded to broad-rounded shrub or small tree

Water use: Medium

Soil requirements: evenly moist, well-drained loams (e.g., sand-clay mixture) in full sun to part shade

Leaf arrangement:  Small, elliptic to oval to oblong leaves (1/2″ to 1 1/2″ long) are simple, opposite, smooth-margined and evergreen. Leaves are dark glossy green above and yellowish-green below.

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): apetulous flowers in axillary clusters are pale green to yellow to creamy white. Flowers appear in April and May. Fruit is a dehiscent capsule (to 1/3″ long) that matures to brown.

Limitations:  Susceptible to aphids and leaf; required pruning

Fall colour:  not showy yellow

Suitable uses:  Specimen/accent, hedge, mass, formal gardens, topiary. Foundations.

Quick ID description:  yellowish-green below, cluster flowers





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