Hydrangea petiolaris

Hydrangea petiolaris


Scientific name: Hydrangea petiolaris

Common name: climbing hydrangea

Family name: Hydrangeaceae

USDA Hardiness Zone:  4-8

Mature height and spread:  Height: 30.00 to 50.00 feet;Spread: 5.00 to 6.00 feet

Form: vigorous, sprawling, deciduous, woody vine

Water use: Medium

Soil requirements: rich, fertile, moist but well-drained soils in part shade to full shade

Leaf arrangement:  Opposite, simple, serrate, ovate, dark green leaves

Flower/cone/fruit description(s): non-showy, creamy white to greenish-yellow fertile flowers;Fruit ripens in September-October. Flattened clusters (corymbs 6-10” wide) of fragrant

Limitations:  Needs a strong support structure if grown vertically on walls, fences or into large trees.

Suitable uses:  grown on a wide variety of other structures, including arbors, fences or the trunks of large trees, or sprawled over low stone walls, unsightly tree stumps or rock piles.

Quick ID description:  vine; opposite; simple; serrate





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