Pyrus calleryana
Common name: callery pear
Family name: Rosaceae
Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Chanticleer’ ‘Bradford’ ‘Aristocrat’
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5-9
Mature height and spread: 25-35ft; 13
Form: deciduous tree; upright-branched
Water use: dry to medium
Soil requirements: humusy, well-drained loams, full sun
Leaf arrangement: oval, gloosy dark green above and slightly paler below
Flower/cone/fruit description(s): white, five-petaled flower, abundant; small, inedible, greenish-yellow fruits
Limitations: Tolerates some drought once established; adaptable to heavy clays; tolerant urban conditions
Fall colour: from yellow and orange to red, pink and purple
Suitable uses: street tree, flowering tree
Quick ID description: oval, slightly paler below; white, five-petaled flower; greenish-yellow fruits