Rhododendron yakushimanum
Common name: yak
Family name: Ericaeae
Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Ken Janeck’
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5
Mature height and spread: 1-1.5m; 1-1.5m
Form: evergreen shrub, dense, mounded
Water use: medium
Soil requirements: moist but well-drained
Leaf arrangement: linear-oblanceolate to lanceolate, leathery, comfortable fur on the back
Flower/cone/fruit description(s): bell-shaped, light pink, cover the whole shrub
Limitations: tolerant heat and drought
Suitable uses: north, east side of the building
Quick ID description: comfortable fur; bell-shaped pink flower
Source: http://asperupgaard.dk/garden/plantegrupper/rhododendron/rhododendron_yakushimanum/