Photo: Michele Koppes
The Landscapes of Climate Change Lab at the University of British Columbia’s Department of Geography seeks to explore the past and present geomorphic change on landscapes, ecosystems, and societies.
Community Based Collaborations
Our research projects work toward community-based collaborations, exploring multiple perspectives in diverse landscapes people call home. We are curious about natural hazard responses, the impacts of climate change, and the livelihoods residing in the landscapes we research.
Ethical Knowledge Braiding
Our priorities lay in the promotion of ethical knowledge braiding, incorporating science, art, and climate communication in the work we do. We aim to ensure that our discoveries respect and integrate multiple perspectives of science and knowledge, ensuring proper and ethical research practices in the geographies we conduct science.
Holistic Perspectives in Physical Geography
Our aim is to foster a more holistic and deeper understanding of landscape change, and to adopt critical approaches in the field of physical geography by creating a research and lab culture in which our research takes a community-first approach in the production of science and discoveries.
Our lab is committed to cultivating right relations with the local and Indigenous peoples on the lands in which our work is situated. We are committed to conducting respectful research that is guided by and accountable to the communities in whose territories we work. We look forward to hearing from those interested in learning more about, and collaborating with, the Landscapes Lab. Please reach out to us with your questions or comments.