Fieldnotes are the musings from our lab explorations

Land is kin – exploring communities in the path of landslide hazards in Chilean Patagonia, April 2024

The impact of recent climate change on glacier dynamics – examining the impact of regional warming and heatwaves on the evolution of Bridge Glacier and its proglacial lake, Lilloet Icefield

Cascading effects of climate change on the world’s water towers – the various impacts of snowpack and glacier loss on water resources, natural hazards and communities downstream.

Anthropocene Science– The Anthropocene requires a more holistic, critical and systems understanding of our relationship to and with the earth surface.

Soundscapes of climate change– The cascading effects of climate change create their own sound; but no one has really bothered to listen. We are recording the sounds of glacial recession and its effects on meltwater runoff downstream, the sounds of ice melting, rocks and sediment moving and people adapting, from the source to the sink.

Debris Flow Signatures in the Coast Mountains – Summary of the 2022 Field Season at Qw’elqw’elústen (Mount Meager) and N’skenú7 (Joffre Peak)

Patagonia Part 1 – From Santiago to Villa O’Higgins: Summary of the first part of a PhD Expedition on Catastrophic Mass Movements

Mudeungsan Global Geopark – Summary of the fieldwork done on the geoheritage of Mudeungsan, an extinct volcanic natural & cultural landscape