Reflective Post on Marketing Project


The marketing assignment gave us an experience at analyzing a company’s current environment with SWOT, as well as STP and 4Ps of a company. Finally we tried to develop a marketing plan for our company( Unilever).


First of all, I would say that I enjoy every part in the assignments. It encourages us to explore more detailed background and current strategies for Unilever, which is one of the most powerful global brands in the world. And also we learn how a company segment a product. I feel it very useful for a company, because segmentation allows a company develop a new market( new geographic market or new product). It is extremely excited to apply our knowledge on developing a new segment for a current exsit product.


All my team members do a really good job for every assignment. Although none of us knows how to edit a video( It was edited by a friend). It would be perfect if we can make a more creative and exciting video for our last assignment. This winter holiday, I decided to learn editing and making a video and I think it might be benefitial to my future projects.


I have to say I enjoy every comm 296 lectures this term, I love how our professor explain and give his examples. I regret that I should prepare my midterm more earlier, although the contents in this course is not complex and really exciting. I shouldn’t overlook some details and should read textbook prior to class.


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