Monthly Archives for October 2012

Gender Specific Advertising: Why Cavemen and Cavewomen Affect Our Shopping

Do you remember this Heineken advertisement? It may be funny, but it also illustrates a great point: as consumers, men and women are vastly different and, therefore, the way in which companies cater to each gender must be different as well. … Continue reading

07. October 2012 by Lara Stevens
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Advertising to Minorities- Risky or Visionary?

  Recently, there has been some controversy in the retail community over print advertisements for JCPenney. Joining other progressive companies like the Gap, Ray Ban and Urban Outfitters, JCPenney has begun showing non-traditional families in their marketing- ie. homosexual partners and their … Continue reading

07. October 2012 by Lara Stevens
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The Name of the Game: Can a Brand Become Too Recognizable?

In general, public recognition of a brand name is incredibly desirable to a company, but, sometimes the name of the brand becomes so prolific that it comes to refer to products of that type, rather than the brand itself. For example, … Continue reading

03. October 2012 by Lara Stevens
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