Monthly Archives for November 2012

Do What You Love

This is arguably the most famous quote from the classic movie, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and it’s particularly important in a university setting. When our motivation to attend Sauder comes up, my peers generally admit they are motivated mostly by the job … Continue reading

18. November 2012 by Lara Stevens
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 comment

Once Upon a Market

Whenever I think about some of the great commercials I’ve seen, this one from Tim Hortons always springs to mind: In today’s day and age, information is consistently broken down into bite sized portions. Marketing is reduced to taglines and … Continue reading

18. November 2012 by Lara Stevens
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The Pursuit of Happiness

After reading my friend Kat Wong’s blog on the TEDtalk “The Happy Secret to Better Work“, (check out her summary and thoughts here) I was inspired to check out the video. I was impressed with the speaker, Sean Achor, who … Continue reading

17. November 2012 by Lara Stevens
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The Google Culture: “Don’t be evil.”

When reading about Google’s corporate culture recently, it reminded me of Comm classes on “Corporate Social Responsibility” (CSR) and “People, Culture & Teams”. When Google Inc. was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while at Stanford University, it was … Continue reading

17. November 2012 by Lara Stevens
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We Are the Cast Recently I had the privilege of listening to Wade Larson speak about his company, UrtheCast. During his speech, I was blown away by both the concept and the work he had done to achieve his vision. When I realized … Continue reading

16. November 2012 by Lara Stevens
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Co-opted Culture

Recently, the annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show was televised, and great controversy arose from a specific outfit in the show modelled by Karlie Kloss, as pictured below: (courtesy of The Native American inspired outfit was deemed by many both in the … Continue reading

16. November 2012 by Lara Stevens
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