Just another UBC Blogs site

Author: jaclyn simon


Skimmia japonica  Common name: skimmia Useful cultivars and selections: – USDA hardiness zone: 7 Mature height and spread: 1-2 m tall by 3-4 m…


Euonymus fortunei var. radicans Common name: winter creeper Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Emerald Gaiety’, ‘Emerald n’ Gold’ USDA hardiness zone: 5 Mature…


Trachycarpus fortunei Common name: Chinese fan palm Useful cultivars and selections: – USDA hardiness zone: 8 Mature height and spread: about 8 m tall Form: single…


Salvia officinalis Common name: common sage, culinary sage Useful cultivars and selections: – USDA hardiness zone: 4 Mature height and spread: 2 ft tall…


Nandina domestica  Common name: heavenly bamboo Useful cultivars and selections: many different cultivars, ‘Harbour Dwarf’ USDA hardiness zone: 6 Mature height and spread: 5…


Ilex aquifolium Common name: English holly Useful cultivars and selections: – USDA hardiness zone: 7 Mature height and spread: 30-50 ft tall by…


Hedera hibernica Common name: Irish ivy Useful cultivars and selections: – USDA hardiness zone: 5 Mature height and spread: can spread indefinitely Form: dense ground cover,…


Cistus x hybridus  Common name: rock rose Useful cultivars and selections: – USDA hardiness zone: 7  Mature height and spread: 3 ft tall by…


Quercus robur Common name: English oak, pedunculate oak Useful cultivars and selections: – USDA hardiness zone: 5 Mature height and spread: 8-15 m tall…


Osmanthus x burkwoodii Common name: Burkwood osmanthus Useful cultivars and selections: – USDA hardiness zone: 7 Mature height and spread: 5 ft tall by…

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