Euphorbia sikkimense, Sikkim spurge

Euphorbia sikkimense

Euphorbia sikkimense, Sikkim spurge

Family: Euphorbiaceae


This species is notable for the bright, chartreuse bracts that emerge in April and persist through mid-late summer. The yellow flowers set within the bracts are very small and insignificant compared to the showy bracts. Leaves shift from grass-green in spring and summer to shades of red and orange in    the fall. As a completely herbaceous                                                                             plant, it will die back in the winter.

Growing conditions:

Euphorbia sikkimense prefers deep, rich, moisture retentive soil that is well-drained. It is best in open sunny locations, but can tolerate partial shade.

Suitable uses:

Euphorbia sikkimense works well in a mixed shrub border or a woodland margin. It’s small stature, reaching only 0.5m in height, allows this plant to work in smaller scale projects.

CC Image courtesy of Caroline Ingram on Flickr

 CC Image courtesy of Lotus Johnson on Flickr

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