Cephalaria gigantea,giant scabious

cephalraria giganteaCephalaria gigantea,
giant scabious

Family: Caprifoliacaea


Uncharacteristic from others in the caprifoliaceae family, this species has tall, upright stems with flower heads sporting multiple rings of irregularly shaped petals. Flowers are creamy yellow and attract a variety of pollinators over a long flowering period. The form is both airy and wild, with a tendency to flop over. Dark green basal leaves are compound.

Growing conditions:

Cephalaria gigantea grows best in rich, moist, well-drained soil and in open, sunny locations. Less sun may result in a floppier form that needs staking.

Suitable uses:

With a more irregular form, this species is suited for a more informal setting to provide a wild look.  It is also a valuable addition for pollinators.


CC Image courtesy of sharon_k on Flickr

By muffinn

CC Image courtesy of  muffinn on Flickr

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