Centaurea cyanus,corn flower

centaurea cyanusCentaurea cyanus,corn flower

Family: Asteraceae


Azure blue flowers sit atop grey-green branched stems. Delicate, fan shaped petals extend from a cluster of central filaments. Bracts have a pronounced black edge. This species is known to grow within fields of wheat, flour or oats. As a hardy annual, Centearuea cyanus will die within one season, but will typically self-seed and re-sprout the following year. Flowering season lasts throughout the summer.

Growing conditions:

This plant prefers dry sunny locations and will not tolerate wet sites.

Suitable uses:

Centaurea cyanus works well in a wildflower mixture and can compete fairly well with grasses. In dryer climates it is known to be weedy, but is not a problem in the Vancouver area. The beautiful inflorescence contrasts nicely with orange.

Centaurea cyanus,corn flower_1

CC Image courtesy of Björn S… on Flickr


     CC Image courtesy of         Sebastian Rittau on Flickr 

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