Achillea filipendulina, gold plate yarrow
Family: Asteraceae
This member of the aster family is recognizable for large, flat panicles of densely clustered yellow flowers. This form attracts a broad range of pollinators and beneficial insects. Foliage is often silvery grey or dull green and stems can reach 1 m in height. This herbaceous perennial will self-sow encouraging vigorous growth.
Growing conditions:
Achillea filipendulina is tolerant of most soil conditions, but prefers dry soil with abundant sun. It is extremely heat and drought tolerant. In these conditions, Achillea filipendulina can be quite aggressive and regular maintenance may to required to contain this plant from taking over.
Suitable uses:
This species is suitable for a dry meadow. It’s drought tolerance makes it ideal next to parking lot where it can withstand reflected heat.

CC Image courtesy of proteinbiochemist on Flickr