Kirengeshoma palmata, yellow wax flower

Karingeshoma palmataKirengeshoma palmata,
yellow wax flower

Family: Hydrangeaceae


This large perennial is notable for both distinctive leaves and showy flowers. Leaves are opposite and maple-like in appearance, with pronounced toothed margins and deep sinuses. Flowers are a soft yellow and waxy in texture. Petals are sturdy enough to provide a landing pad for butterflies. While this plant is normally butterfly pollinated in its native habitat, in the Vancouver region hummingbirds are also attracted to this plant. Kirengeshoma palmata can become quite large, with the Korean form reaching 3 meters. For a more modest look, the Japanese form will only reach 5 feet.

Growing conditions:

This is a typical shade loving perennial and requires moisture.

Suitable uses:

This plant works well in a woodland garden. Because Kirengeshoma palmata both grows in mass and can become quite large, it is important for this plant to be situated in an appropriately scaled site, such as a park.

            CC Image courtesy of                Klasse im Garten on Flickr

CC Image courtesy of Megan Hansen  on Flickr

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