Polystichum munitum, western sword fern

Polystichum munitumPolystichum munitum, western sword fern

Family: Dryopteridaceae


This evergreen fern is a commonly found native plant in the Vancouver region, and is one of the most abundant ferns in North America. Sword-shaped fronds are singularly pinnately compound, with each leaflet alternating along the stem. Fronds form in a clump and radiate outward. Spore cases on back of leaves are very regular.

Growing conditions:

This species is highly adaptable. Growing best with some shade and continuous moisture, this plant can also withstand summer drought. With access to moisture, Polystuchum munitum can tolerate full sun.

Suitable uses:

As one of the toughest native plants, this species is extremely useful in the Vancouver region. It works well in a woodland setting and as an evergreen ground layer. It is useful for filling in large open space. This species also thrives in shallow soil conditions, making it versatile for urban locations.


CC Image courtesy of J. Maughn on Flickr


               CC Image courtesy of                 Debbie Ballentine on Flickr

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