Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii, orange coneflower

Rudbeckia fulgida
Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii,
orange coneflower

Family: Asteraceae


This herbaceous perennial is notable for a profusion of flowers that persist for 3 or more months. Flowers are typical of the aster family, with yellow-orange ray florets extending from a dark brown head of composite florets. Flowers are borne on stems reaching 75-80cm in height that sit above dark green foliage. This is a clump forming species and spreads aggressively. It is both rhizomatous and self-seeding, flowering in the first year from seed.

Growing conditions:

Rudbeckia fulgida grows best in open sunny locations with access to some moisture. It is quite tough and tolerant of foot traffic.

Suitable uses:

As an aggressive spreading species, Rudbeckia fulgida is often used in mass plantings. Its resilient disposition allows it to work well in high traffic locations, such as a playground. The long blooming period makes for both a striking summer floral display and attracts a variety of pollinators.

CC Image courtesy of Carl Lewis on Flickr

           CC Image courtesy of              Peter Corbett on Flickr

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