Family: Typhaceae
This tall native grass species will reach 2.5-3 meters in height with strong upright stems. Inflorescence is characteristic of the plant with velvety brown compact conical flowers. This is a monecious species with male flowers situated directly above female flowers. Leaves are flat and generally as tall as the inflorescence. Typha latifolia will die back in the winter, turning brown, but maintain its structure. This species is known to offer important habitat for birds. Redwing blackbirds will exclusively nest in Typha latifolia.
Growing conditions:
This is an aquatic grass that needs shallow water. It will aggressively takeover any shallow water and can eventually spur ecological succession. One method for controlling Typha latifolia is with the presence of beavers. Without beavers, physical removal is necessary for preventing succession, especially in a small pond.
Suitable uses:
Typha latifolia can be used in ponds or saturated areas, either in an ornamental or restoration context. It is useful for bio remediation, detoxifying water and extracting heavy metals from soil. This will only perform a function of bio remediation during four months of the year.

CC Image courtesy of Bruce Kirchoff on Flickr

CC Image courtesy of emmapatsie on Flickr