Dierama pulchellum, angel’s fishing rod

Dierama pulchellumDierama pulchellum, angel’s fishing rod

Family: Iridaceae


This perennial is notable for its delicate weeping form with bell-shaped fuchsia flowers that hang down. Characteristic of the Iridaceae family, these plants have leaves that emerge in a two-dimensional plane. Flowers are gimbaled, or materialize on their own stalks, with persistent silvery/brown bracts.

Growing conditions:

This is a zone 8 tender plant, and should not be grown at high elevations. It is happiest in well-drained soil that does not have organic matter on the soil surface. It is more robust in rich soil.

Suitable uses:

Dierama pulchellum adds movement to the landscape and is particularly lovely fluttering in the wind. It is best in a more open planting, without too much crowding. It works well on a slope in the sun, or next to a building where it receives reflected heat. Grasses can be an attractive complement to this species.


    CC Image courtesy of James Gaither on Flickr


CC Image courtesy of Lotus Johnson on Flickr

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