Ophiopogon japonicus ‘Nippon’, dwarf mondo grass
Family: Asparagaceae
Ophiopogon japonicus is a low-tufted grass growing a maximum 2-5 inches tall. It is dark in color and fine textured. Depending on site conditions, this clump-forming species can provide either an even or patchy covering.
Growing conditions:
This species is extremely shade tolerant. It is best in a protected area, away from foot traffic. To avoid browning of grass tips, it is best to plant at lower elevations, as this species is not particularly cold-hardy.
Suitable uses:
Ophiopogon is often used as a groundcover. If kept away from foot traffic this grass species will form a more even covering, neat and tidy in appearance. It works particularly well planted as islands interspersed with moss and rocks.

CC Image courtesy of Megan Hansen on Flickr