Delosperma cooperia, hardy ice-plant
Family: Aizoaceae
This low growing succulent spreads both stoloniferously and by seed, stretching up to 1m. Typical of ice plants, foliage is filled with water and leaf surface is covered in crystalline bumps that refract light. The effect is foliage frosted in appearance with a Velcro-like texture. Abundant fuchsia flowers are similar to those in the aster family, with regular narrow rays emerging to form a perfectly round inflorescence. Flowers appear in June and can persist for 6-8 weeks.
Growing conditions:
As a drought tolerant succulent, Delosperma cooperia requires very well drained soil. It is excellent in the sun and cannot tolerate any shade.
Suitable uses:
This is an ideal green roof plant and is an excellent addition to a rock garden. It will not be effective if planted with grasses.

CC Image courtesy of Patrick Standish on Flickr

CC Image courtesy of Andrey Zharkikh on Flickr