Allium giganteum, giant purple allium
Family: Amaryllidaceae
As one of the largest allium species, this is notable for its whimsical form. Large upright stalks produce coconut-sized spherical panicles of purple flowers that persist for 4-5 weeks. It has a tendency to slightly lean over and leaves will begin to die back as flowers emerge. It is a bulbous perennial that dies to ground each year. Unlike many other perennials, this species will increase in numbers over the years.
Growing conditions:
Allium giganteum prefers well-drained soils with moderate moisture in full-part sun. In shade, flowering stalks have a tendency to lean more, but will also flower longer.
Suitable uses:
This unusual perennial adds dynamism and playfulness to the landscape. It can be quite successful at the back of the border to add vertical flowering interest, and where other plants nearer the front can hide the basal leaves as they die back.

CC Image courtesy of Chris Gladis on Flickr