Category Archives: Primulaceae

Lysimachia clethroides, gooseneck loosestrife

Lysimachia clethroidesLysimachia clethroides, gooseneck loosestrife

Family: Primulaceae


This long-lived perennial is colony forming, spreading by rhizomes, and reaching 2-3 feet in height. This species is most recognizable for elegant S-shaped racemes of small white flowers. Flowering time is usually from June- July.

Growing conditions:

This species grows well in moist, rich soils with full-part sun. Lysimachia clethroides can be quite vigorous in ideal locations (though less aggressive compared to other Lysimachia species).

Suitable uses:

This species works well in a woodland garden, with space allocated for large colonies to form. Tolerating moist soils, this species can thrive near ponds and streams, or within a wet meadow.

        CC Image courtesy of John Brandauer on Flickr

            CC Image courtesy of               John Brandauer on Flickr