Category Archives: Saxifragaceae

Astilbe chinensis, Chinese astilbe

Astilbe chinensisAstilbe chinensis, Chinese astilbe

Family: Saxifragaceae


This compact astilbe is has lovely lavender-pink flowers that cover conical racemes. Small, whitish stamens point outward past the corolla, creating a fuzzy appearance. Foliage is dark green with a coarse, hairy texture that eventually transitions to smooth. There are two forms available, one that reaches 1m in height, and another that is low to the ground never exceeding 50 cm. Growth is rhizomatous.

Growing conditions:

Astilbe chinensis is best grown in partial shade with moist soil.

Suitable uses:

This perennial is well suited for a woodland garden. The smaller form grows densely to form a solid mat, making it a suitable groundcover.

CC Image Courtesy of K M on Flickr

CC Image Courtesy of Distant Hill Gardens on Flickr

Saxifraga stolonifera, strawberry begonia

Saxifraga stoloniferaSaxifraga stolonifera, strawberry begonia

Family: Saxifragaceae


This evergreen perennial is ground spreading and produces roots along hair-like stems, or stolons, to form a solid mat. Leaves are rounded with scalloped margins and hold themselves flat. Foliage is dark green with pronounced white veination.  Back of leaf is often tinged purple. Small flowers emerge in summer with a distinctive arrangement of petals (two larger petals at the base of flower and three small petals at top). There are many different cultivars with a wide variety of colors.

Growing conditions:

Saxifraga stolonifera prefers shade and well-drained soil, growing denser with larger leaves in this environment.

Suitable uses:

This is a useful evergreen groundcover, providing green foliage in winter and delicate flowering interest in spring/summer. It is ideal for a woodland environment and good at suppressing weeds.

            CC Image courtesy of                 Forest and Kim Starr on Flickr

CC Image courtesy of T.Kiya on Flickr