Month: November 2012

Marketing is Dead?!

Marketing is Dead was from the HBR Blog network on how traditional marketing is no longer effective. Bill Lee (the writer) suggests companies to consider peer influenced based and community oriented marketing to sustain long term relationship with customers. Another

“Inventory as piles of carbon and water”

On one of the HBR blog posts, Andrew Winston has provided another perspective of looking at inventory and sustainable businesses. Robert F. Byrne, Terra Technology’s CEO said, “I want people to think of inventory as not just piles of cash,

Invasion of Technology: Energyaware PowerTabs

Energyaware is a perfect example of how technological creativity used in changing the world can be a feasible business opportunity. Firstly, I believe Janice had great mentors and timing in the process of starting Energyaware. Her experience has led me

Effects of Organizational Structure on job motivation

Original news article: This article mainly described how social networking and frequent communication between employees enhance learning for rapid diffusion and management innovation. I thought the ideas presented would be a good recommendation for companies that are highly formalized


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