“Inventory as piles of carbon and water”

On one of the HBR blog posts, Andrew Winston has provided another perspective of looking at inventory and sustainable businesses. Robert F. Byrne, Terra Technology’s CEO said, “I want people to think of inventory as not just piles of cash, but also piles of carbon and piles of water.” This has led me to think that innovative production methods can be applied to the logistics provides a new way for businesses to consume social responsibility.


As James Tansey from ISIS has said, sustainability is not about the trade off between business and environment but branding and marketing products that are better quality to increase customer satisfaction. I believe if businesses start viewing product wastage as the chemicals used in production, the need of going “green” will increase. This will then lead to shifts in brand positioning and marketing strategies. Not only will this encourage innovation in product design, but also inspire social advocates to become entrepreneurs in producing environmentally friendly products that can minimize waste products throughout the supply chain.

Therefore, to implement a “green” supply chain for environmentally friendly products will require business areas such as marketing, operations, logistics, ethics, sustainability and strategy. This has raised my attention to realize that each business principle have to be interconnected in order to create products and services that can adapt to the dynamic environment.

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