“Blogging for Business.”
Blogs are no longer just for sharing thoughts, posting photos or introducing products. They have become a business for successful bloggers and some even have an extensive team of marketers who help establish their brand image across other social media platforms, create values to the blog, and communicate these values through their blogposts, photos and web layout.
Personally, I prefer fashion blogs as posts are not long and exhaustive, while photos are very inspirational and the contents are a leisure read during my spare time. Some of my favourite ones are: Fashiontoast, Style Scrapbook and Olivia Palermo.
They mostly feature simple layouts, good quality photos and casual writing that describes the photos or share information about lifestyle trends. Sponsor advertisements on the side also gives me an idea which other online stores may feature similar styled clothing.

A layout that reflects the blogger’s style. More news oriented that shows the blogger’s socialite lifestyle.
Blog is originally a medium used by companies to promote items, publicize a brand or to provide information about a product or service. However, this marketing tool is now being further marketed, shifting blogs into a product that can be branded. More people are focusing on the “art” of making a profitable blog and bloggers are hiring marketing teams to increase blog popularity. There is even an academy that teaches bloggers how to market a blog, which is originally already a marketing tool.

Featuring one of the contributors to the original blog: Style.com. This serves as a personal branding platform for the blogger. Providing quality photos of latest trends from around the globe.
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