Team Assignment Reflection

Marketing Plan assignment

What I learnt, what inspired me.

Reading the steps of a marketing plan from the textbook was very broad and only provided a general framework. The project gave me a chance to put my knowledge into practical use. It became clearer the importance of SWOT and situation analysis when forming a marketing plan. Furthermore, I understood marketing is not largely just about funny or “gimmick” advertisements, research actually makes the majority of the whole marketing plan. Without research, all of the following STP analysis and strategies would not have sufficient evidence to back up further plans with improving the marketing mix. For example, we the team had the most discussion about segmentation strategies. We had to first constraint the age range and location because Rogers (our chosen company) was a huge company that provides services to all of Canada. Then, we needed to do thorough research on the most popular consumer types (immigrants, families and businessmen) to understand how their psychographic and life styles would affect their behaviour when choosing telecommunication services.

What I stumbled upon.

Last year, I only learnt about how to do scientific research using the UBC library catalog and utilizing scholarly articles to find evidence. Therefore, doing a situation analysis for Rogers was difficult at first. I learnt to use marketing related catalogs like the Print Measurement Bureau to collect data to research about companies. This project was made even more effective for my learning because it was split into three sections. Since we had to complete the tasks by three progressive deadlines, it was clearer to me how the process flows through and also how steps may go back and forth as marketing plans, trends and strategies  are not static.

Peer Feedback.

Knowing that I will receive peer feedback did not affect my work and effort. I will also appreciate the fact that I get feedback from peers’ perspectives. With the feedback, I will be able to improve in future team work assignments, video making projects and more. From past experiences, feedback from peers has taught me how to improve the quality of projects as they can see the weaknesses in what I have worked on.

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