Wii U: 2 steps behind, but 3 steps ahead

I have decided to do a response to Robert De Luca’s article about the new gaming console, Wii U.

Nintendo’s Wii U introduces the 8th generation of gaming consoles, succeeding the 7th generation of Microsoft’s Xbox 360, Sony’s Playstation 3 and Nintendo’s own Wii. In Robert’s article, he talks about how the Wii’s commercial success was largely due in part to their technological innovation of motion sensing controllers. When it comes to gaming, gamers value certain aspects of a home console, and for most gamers, on the top of this list is definitely not motion sensing controllers. Gamers value graphics and gameplay, most often as the two most important aspects in a home console, but this contradicts the recent trend because in the last generation although the technological capability of the PS3 and Xbox 360 were greater than the Wii, in terms of graphics and gameplay, the Wii was still able to sell more units. From this I concluded, that Nintendo has figured out what gamers ACTUALLY want and even though their technology is inferior to its counterparts, they understand what consumers want.

As for the Wii U, I am positive that Nintendo built this console with that mindet.

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