NBA team coming to Vancouver? Unlikely

As I had previously talked about in one of my blogs, the New Orleans Hornets, a team owned by the NBA, is looking for potential buyers and with Vancouver, once a home to an NBA team, no new capital investments would be needed. We have the hoops, the floors and the arena. Would we not be the perfect city to be the next home for the Hornets? Unlikely


There are several reasons, one, former Vancouver Grizzlies did not want to play in Vancouver. If we can’t even get players willing to play for our team, how can we have a team. Two, a basketball team in Vancouver could jeopardize the hockey team, taking sponsors and ticket sales in expense of the Canucks. Third and most important reason is Vancouver is a hockey town. The tradition and culture here is hockey, the people of Vancouver literally live and breathe hockey. Although I would love a NBA team coming to Vancouver, I just don’t see it happening the near the future. Maybe in 20 years….a man can dream.

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