The 17 Rules for an Entrepreneur

As an aspiring Entrepreneur, I found this blog about 17 key rules in finding success to becoming an entrepreneur to be very fascinating. 3 rules that stood out to me were:

  1. Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision – Fuzzy language = Fuzzy thinking = Fuzzy results
  2. Gather data through all your senses – don’t use just your mind
  3. Finding humour – especially of oneself

I don’t agree with the first rule as thinking with clarity and precision implies that you would not be thinking outside the box. As a critical thinker, it is essential that you must think outside the box even if it means “fuzzy” thinking. The second rule is something I had never thought about but after careful thinking it easy to see why that would be important. If all your senses were impaired, there would be so many ideas and experience that you would miss. The third rule is the one I found the most surprising. I still do not understand the reason why one must find humour in order to become a successful entrepreneur. Maybe finding humour promotes creativity?

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