United States to become China’s little brother?

Today I came upon a fellow sauderites blog that I found to be very interesting. He talks about possibility of the Yuan, the Chinese currency, becoming the new reserve for investors as both the Euro and Dollar are under intense pressure. If the Chinese Yuan does end up becoming the preference for investors, this could change the political landscape of the United States, and even the World. As the Chinese become less dependent on USA as an export market, it will likely affect the US’s political position in the world.

As time passes, it becomes more and more apparent that the Chinese is slowly relying less on the US and growing into a powerful country of its own. And the Chinese Yuan becoming the main reserve currency would not help the US’s cause here. Eventually it will be US looking up to China instead of the other way around, its just a matter of time i presume. How many years do you think it will be before China becomes the most powerful country in the world? 10 years? 15? 30?

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