Apple vs. Samsung

The recent lawsuits that Apple and Samsung each sued each other for is over and Apple came out on top. As a result of this lawsuit, what does this mean for Apple and Samsung now?

With the victory, Apple was successfully able to defend their patent. Being able to defend their intellectual property is a big win for apple, copycats now will have to think twice before selling a rectangular shaped object with rounded corners. This win gives them absolute monopolizing power over this shape.

As for Samsung, since their products are so alike to the iDevices(like every other smartphone in the world) its likely they will be forced to stop selling one of their current products, like their main competition to the iPhone 5, the Samsung Galaxy S3. Despite running on a different and more superior operating system, with Apples victorious lawsuit, as absurd as it would sound, would be taken out of the market. Ultimately, this decision will have the most impact on consumers, as now we have less choice when it comes to purchasing a smartphone.

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