experience week6

week6—endings; the making and unmaking of [insert something profound here]—

week6—endings; the making and unmaking of [insert something profound here]— experience blog #6 – Last days in Peru. Where do I begin? At this point, I am back in Vancouver and I have never felt cleaner or slept better than in the last 12 hours. Even given that, I would sacrifice this level of clean […]

machu picchu

week6—one more thing off the to-do list—

week6—one more thing off the to-do list— reading blog #11 – Mark Rice’s Making Machu Picchu  “The historian Alberto Flores Galindo once observed that Peruvians are often “in search of an Inca” to forge symbols of a new Peru.15 Perhaps it is time we lent attention to the influence of tourists also in search of […]

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